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Soluções para Saúde do PC
Solução Completa para a Saúde do PC: Limpeza, Otimização e Segurança
Limpeza, otimização e proteção completa para PC
Mantém Drivers Sempre Atualizados
Desempenho mais estável com menos travamentos
Protege Milhões de Computadores contra Malware
Segurança Top para PCs com proteção total
Protege contra Vírus e Melhora o Desempenho do PC
Remove facilmente programas e sobras desnecessárias
Mantém os seus programas automaticamente atualizados
Nunca se preocupe com roubo de dados ou vazamentos de privacidade
Otimização de disco rígido para um PC mais rápido
Tenha um Mac mais Rápido e Seguro
Both Talent International Limited is committed to resolving its disputes in a fair and efficient manner. If you are not satisfied with the resolution that a customer service representative offers for a problem that you are experiencing, you should notify us of your dispute by sending us this form, or a signed letter with this same information.
Please complete this form in its entirety (printing or typing legibly). Retain a copy for your records and send the completed form to customercare@iobit.com. If the dispute is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may submit the dispute to the American Arbitration Association or JAMS for mediation within 30 days after sending the notice, or you may submit the dispute for arbitration or litigation. Contact the American Arbitration Association or JAMS for additional information.
Please click here to download the sample of Claim Notice.
Billing address (if different):___________________________________________________________
Name and version of product:______________________________________________________________
Date of purchase or download of product:__________________________________________________
Email address associated with product:____________________________________________________
License code for product:_________________________________________________________________
Telephone number:_________________________________________________________________________
Additional contact number (optional):__________________________________________________________
In the space below, please briefly describe the nature of your dispute and attach any supporting documents that you wish.
Please briefly describe the relief that you seek from Both Talent International Limited.
Date:_________________________________ Signature:______________________________
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