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Soluções para Saúde do PC
Solução Completa para a Saúde do PC: Limpeza, Otimização e Segurança
Limpeza, otimização e proteção completa para PC
Mantém Drivers Sempre Atualizados
Desempenho mais estável com menos travamentos
Protege Milhões de Computadores contra Malware
Segurança Top para PCs com proteção total
Protege contra Vírus e Melhora o Desempenho do PC
Remove facilmente programas e sobras desnecessárias
Mantém os seus programas automaticamente atualizados
Nunca se preocupe com roubo de dados ou vazamentos de privacidade
Otimização de disco rígido para um PC mais rápido
Tenha um Mac mais Rápido e Seguro
Following Thanatos ransomware which was released in the last month, new ones like PUBG ransomware and Spartacus ransomware have been discovered recently. Like all ransomware, they encrypt the files and demand the victims to follow their rules or pay the ransom to decrypt the encrypted files. Here are the things you may want to know about those ransomware and the ways to prevent ransomware attacks.
Ridiculously, PUBG ransomware seems like a joke that it demands victims to play PUBG game for one hour to decrypt the files. It’s not funny at all. Though the attacker doesn’t demand the money from the victim, you won’t want to be fooled like this for any reason. So you’d better pay more attention to any suspicious actions on your computer when you are surfing online.
Spartacus ransomware encrypts files regardless of the extension and replaces the extension with .spartacus. Once the encryption finished, a note will ask you to pay the ransom with Bitcoins. Interestingly, the ransomware note tries to guarantee the decryption. But it’s highly advised not to trust any words from a cybercriminal. The most effective way to prevent ransomware attacks is to install a powerful anti-ransomware engine on the computer.
With IObit Malware Fighter, you don’t have to worry about those ransomware. IObit Malware Fighter contains a large expanding online virus database which can ensure a real-time protection to prevent the latest threats including the new PUBG ransomware and Spartacus ransomware. Besides, IObit Malware Fighter offers triple antivirus engines including anti-malware engine, anti-ransomware engine and bitdefender engine and secures users' computer in real-time for a full scale including browser protection, camera guard, and ads block, etc.
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Enjoy more advanced features to protect your PC at a higher level.
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