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løsninger til vedligeholdelse af PC
Alt-i-en til PC-vedligeholdelse: Rengøring, optimering og sikkerhed
Omfattende oprydning af PC, optimering og beskyttelse
Holder drev opdaterede
Mere stabil præstation med færre systemsammenbrydninger
Beskyt millioner af computere mod Malware
Top computer sikkerhed med all-round beskyttelse
Beskytter mod virusser & booster pc-præstation
Fjerner nemt uønskede programmer og restfiler
Holder dit software automatisk up-to-date
Aldrig bekymr dig om datatyveri eller lækning af dit privatliv
Maksimer harddrive optimering og få en hurtigere PC
Få glæde af en hurtigere samt sikrere Mac
Note: If you do not have the program installed, click here to download the latest version of Advanced SystemCare Ultimate and install it first.
Step 1: Open your Advanced SystemCare Ultimate, and click the Enter code text link at the bottom left corner of the main screen to open the registration window.
Please refer to the picture below:
Step 2: Copy & Paste to enter your license code in the License Code box, and click the Register Now button to activate Advanced SystemCare Ultimate.
Please refer to the pictures below:
Step 1: If your trial version has expired, you will get the following window when you try to open or use Advanced SystemCare Ultimate. Please click the Enter code text link at the bottom right corner to open the registration window.
Please refer to the picture below:
Step 2: Copy & Paste to enter your license code in the License Code box, and then click the Register Now button to activate Advanced SystemCare Ultimate.
Please refer to the pictures below:
Step 1: Open Advanced SystemCare Ultimate, and click the Options icon at top right of the main screen, and select My Subscription in the menu.
Please refer to the picture below:
Step 2: Click the Refresh text link in the License Manager window to open the new registration window.
Please refer to the picture below:
Step 3: Copy & Paste to enter your license code to enter your license code and click the Register Now button to refresh the new service time.
Please refer to the picture below:
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