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Soluções para Saúde do PC
Solução Completa para a Saúde do PC: Limpeza, Otimização e Segurança
Limpeza, otimização e proteção completa para PC
Mantém Drivers Sempre Atualizados
Desempenho mais estável com menos travamentos
Protege Milhões de Computadores contra Malware
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Protege contra Vírus e Melhora o Desempenho do PC
Remove facilmente programas e sobras desnecessárias
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Otimização de disco rígido para um PC mais rápido
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Game Booster can help old computers run modern PC games smoother, without new hardware.
April 22, 2009 – IObit today announces the release of Game Booster final version, a free lightweight game accelerator designed for all PC games, such as Fallout3, WOW, Grand Theft Auto IV, and etc.
Game Booster is developed with the intention to help users solve PC games running slow. When activated, Game Booster will temporarily close other programs that are currently running, turn off background processes, shut down unnecessary Windows services, intensify processor performance, and do a quick RAM sweep. In other words, Game Booster will keep all the features of Windows ready for when users need them, but turn them off when they are ready to play.
Freeware Game Booster also provides users with a free one-click solution when they are doing something resource-intensive, with its "free more CPU and RAM" feature. Moreover, it does not over clock the hardware, or does not change windows registry and system settings.
"Most of our users love PC games, and Game Booster can really help them. We have got much positive feedback in its beta testing. Besides, users can save much money to avoid unnecessary hardware upgrade, especially in the hard times," says Hugo Dong, President of IObit, "Game Booster is useful in non-gaming situations as well - keep it handy to quiet background process noise whenever you're firing up any processor."
Hugo also mentions it's a no-brainer tool, "We wish everyone could use it easily, with 1 touch, they can enjoy the games without slowing down."
Designed for Windows 7, Vista, XP, and 2000, Game Booster is available in English and other languages.
More details of Game Booster can be found at: http://www.iobit.com/gamebooster.php
About IObit
IObit.com is an innovative, young and promising company. The company was founded in 2004 by two creative young programmers. With the great popularity of Advanced WindowsCare v1 in 2005, IObit has become one of the fastest-growing and most successful new companies in the Internet. IObit is also a provider of award-winning software products designed to deliver superior performance, protection and security to PC users. More information is available at http://www.iobit.com.
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