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BOSTON - Nov. 14 2012 – IObit, recently joined forces with Razer, the worldwide leader in high-performance gaming hardware, software, and systems, combining their expertise in developing the world's best game-boosting software with Razer's experience in hardcore PC gaming, along with input from their massive community.
IObit is happy to announce this partnership is resulting in a new generation of Game Booster software, which includes a wider array of functions specifically designed to increase performance and fun. Best of all, the company is keeping it free to download and free to use.
Today they send Razer Game Booster out for the world to have a try in an open Beta to enjoy a refreshing gaming experience.
Stay tuned for more information at http://www.iobit.com/gamebooster.php, on Twitter @cultofrazer.com, and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/CultofRazer.
About IObit
Founded in 2004, IObit provides consumers with innovative system utilities for superior PC performance and security, IObit is a recognized industry leader with more than 100 awards and 130 million downloads worldwide. For more information, please visit: http://www.iobit.com.
About Razer
Razer™ is the world leader in high performance gaming hardware. Founded in 1998, with its headquarters in Carlsbad, California, the company has offices in nine cities around the globe. Used by the most demanding professional gamers who compete in global tournaments, Razer provides gamers with the unfair advantage of cutting-edge technology and award-winning design. We live by our motto: For Gamers. By Gamers.™ For more information, please visit http://www.razerzone.com/.
Media Contact:
Jessie Luo, (415) 813-2995
PR Manager
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