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SAN FRANCISCO, January 10, 2012 - IObit today announced that Advanced SystemCare is number 2 on CNET Download.com's annual ranking of the Top Downloads of 2011 for Windows, a coveted measure of the most popular applications available for download today. Advanced SystemCare also took the top position in the Utilities & OS category along with IObit Smart Defrag which ranked number 6, while IObit Malware Fighter ranked number 6 in the Security Software category.
The Top 11 Downloads of 2011 program recognizes the most popular downloads from CNET Download.com's catalog of more than 800,000 products. The list is based on the number of user downloads from January 1, 2011 to December 12, 2011. A complete list of the winners can be found at http://download.cnet.com/Top-11-Downloads-of-2011
"The CNET community is the authority on downloads and we're thrilled they are finding value in IObit products," said Kevin Zhou, Marketing Director at IObit, "With more than 43 million downloads this year, Advanced SystemCare is making an enormous impact on the market, helping people repair and optimize their computers each and every day."
"Our Top Downloads of the Year program aims to honor the publishers who develop the excellent software that makes CNET Download.com possible, while also providing users with valuable insight and data about which programs were the most popular for the year," said Peter Butler, Senior Content Manager at CNET Download.com. "With the addition of category awards, we have ten times more winners this year than 2010 - we're excited to expand the program even further in the future."
Advanced SystemCare is 100% freeware designed for Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, and XP. For more information on Advanced SystemCare, please visit http://www.iobit.com/advancedsystemcareper.php
About Advanced SystemCare
Advanced SystemCare is a one-stop solution for PC performance headaches. By cleaning, repairing and optimizing, Advanced SystemCare acts like your very own PC technician. More than 130 million users have downloaded Advanced SystemCare, which has been recognized by leading industry outlets including CNET download.com, PC Magazine, Tucows and ZDNet.
About IObit
Founded in 2004 by two creative and enthusiastic programmers, IObit is focused on providing consumers with innovative system utilities and protection software for superior PC performance and security. Today, we are a recognized industry leader with 100+ awards and 130 million downloads and happy users worldwide.
Media Contact:
Jessie Luo, (+86) 028 85265676
PR Manager
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