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Soluções para Saúde do PC
Solução Completa para a Saúde do PC: Limpeza, Otimização e Segurança
Limpeza, otimização e proteção completa para PC
Mantém Drivers Sempre Atualizados
Desempenho mais estável com menos travamentos
Protege Milhões de Computadores contra Malware
Segurança Top para PCs com proteção total
Protege contra Vírus e Melhora o Desempenho do PC
Remove facilmente programas e sobras desnecessárias
Mantém os seus programas automaticamente atualizados
Nunca se preocupe com roubo de dados ou vazamentos de privacidade
Otimização de disco rígido para um PC mais rápido
Tenha um Mac mais Rápido e Seguro
On August 1st, Nvidia released the new GeForce Game Ready 398.82 WHQL driver. It's mainly optimized for World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth which launches on August 14 and Monster Hunter: World on August 9 to ensure PC gamers a faster, smoother, and even better gaming experience. This article will introduce you the highlights of this new driver and provide you an easy way to keep drivers up to date automatically.
With the latest GeForce Game Ready driver version 398.82, gamers will receive an excellent gaming experience with the higher resolution and faster performance. Gamers can get the absolute most from the graphics card with Nvidia recommended configures: the GeForce GTX 1060 for 1080p 60FPS, the GTX 1070 for 1440p 60FPS and the GTX 1080 for 4K 60FPS. In addition to the optimized and enhanced performance for the new releases, the new driver also fixed some known bugs such as severe color corruption in World of Warcraft: Legion and resource creation leak in UE4 gameplay.
To accelerate your gaming experience, you're highly recommended to keep your graphics driver up to date. Beside of downloading and installing the latest drivers from the vendor's official sites, there's an easier way to always keep your drivers up to date. Driver Booster Pro automatically update the latest drivers for you in the first time and keep your games optimized with the latest graphics drivers. Now, Nvidia's new Game Ready driver is available on Driver Booster Pro.
What's more, Driver Booster Pro contains an online expanding driver database which can detect outdated, missing and faulty drivers and update the best-match drivers in a safe and quick method. Learn more about Driver Booster advanced features by click here.
Driver Booster 6 Pro is officially released and now you can get the special offer with 80% discount here.
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