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How to Remove/Uninstall Kaspersky Anti-virus

When you can not uninstall Kaspersky Anti-virus on computers, you may need to try some third-party uninstall tools. Here, IObit Uninstaller can be a choice. 

If you haven't got IObit Uninstaller, you can download and install it here. Then please follow the next steps:

Step 1. Run it, locate at Kaspersky Anti-virus, and choose the Uninstall button or trash can to uninstall


Step 2. Remember to remove residual files automatically


Step 3. Then just wait for finishing the process


Step 4. Click "next" to continue 


Step 5. Click "next" to continue


Step 6. Click "remove" to continue


Step 7. After the uninstallation, restart your PC now or later to make it work.


If you are afraid of being attacked by virus without anti-virus software, you can try Advanced SystemCare Ultimate. It is an all-in-one protector which helps to ensure your PC security in real time.

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