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How do I register my IObit Malware Fighter Free to Pro edition?

Note: If you do not have the program installed, click here to download the latest version of IObit Malware Fighter and install it first.

Step 1: Open your IObit Malware Fighter Free, click Enter Code under Activate Now button at the bottom right of the main screen to open the registration window.

Please refer to the picture below:

Step 2: Copy & Paste to enter your license code in the License Code box, and click Register Now button to get Pro version.

Please refer to the pictures below:

How do I refresh my IObit Malware Fighter Pro with my new/renewal license code?

Step 1: Open your IObit Malware Fighter Pro, click Manage License text link at the bottom right to open the License Manager window.

Please refer to the picture below:

Step 2: Click the Refresh link in the License Manager window to open a new registration window.

Please refer to the picture below:

Step 3: Copy & Paste to enter your new/renewal license code, and click Register Now button to get the new service time.

Please refer to the pictures below:

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