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How to Uninstall AVG Internet Security

Sometimes, it can be difficult to uninstall a computer software. The problems of a hard-to-remove software mainly include: there is no approach to uninstall, no complete removal of the leftovers or a software can appear again and again after uninstalling. In this case, you may need to use a more powerful and strong uninstaller to remove those unwanted programs. Let's take AVG Internet Security as example.

If you fail to uninstall AVG Internet Security on your computer, you can try a third-party program for help. Here, IObit Uninstaller is recommended. Please follow the steps below:

1. Run IObit Uninstaller, locate at AVG Internet Security;


2. Click the trash can or the uninstall button to remove it (remember to choose "Automatically remove residual files");


3. Wait for the process to finish;


4. Click Uninstall to continue;


5. Click "Yes, Uninstall" to continue;


6. Wait for the process (It may take some time);


7. Restart (now or later) to make complete removal.


All steps done, and you have successfully uninstalled AVG Internet Security on your computer. Any other programs you want to remove, IObit Uninstaller can also make it, please feel free to try.

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