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Since last year, Bitcoin price has been increasing continuously. It caused widespread concerns about digital currency, thus developing a large number of cryptocurrency miners online. However, according to Microsoft Windows Defender research , an average of 644,000 PCs per month encountered some form of mining malware from September 2017 to January 2018.
What is Cryptocurrency Mining Malware?
Cryptocurrency Mining Malware is used by attackers to repackage or modify existing miners and then use social engineering, dropper malware, or exploits to distribute and install the trojanized cryptocurrency miners on target computers. Even worse, Windows 10 users are being warned about a new strain of malware that is invisible and can make PCs virtually unusable nowadays.
One of these malware named FileTour steals processing power to mine for cryptocurrency. It is adware which will automatically run Chrome when you boot into your system. Victims won’t know the operation of Chrome browser in this case, but it will run a CoinCube mining script when users open the browser. FileTour Adware will slow down the computer speed, but the slowness depends on the specific situation of each computer RAM.
Victims may not notice the problem for a long time because of the invisible running of Chrome. So how can we check if it is running secretly in the background? - In Task Manager. Just right click the blank space of the task bar and choose Task Manager, then you can see if Chome.exe is running in the process.
How to Prevent FileTour Adware on Windows?
IObit Malware Fighter 6 can help prevent your PC from being attacked by cryptocurrency mining malware in real time. The Surfing Protection & Ads Removal function in Browser Protect has been enhanced to protect your Chrome and Firefox against a sluggish PC. Turn on this function, once the malware is detected, IObit Malware Fighter 6 will pop up to remind you of the threat. Simply block the harmful operation can prevent the malware effectively.
The newly-updated database has included the way to remove FileTour Adware. You can simply try IObit Malware Fighter 6 to get rid of the potential Windows threats.
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