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Solution informatique

Custom Scan

Does it often feel like a waste of time to scan your whole computer while you just need a security scan for critical sections or even a single file? Though a full scan is necessary to detect every threat on the PC, custom scan can meet different needs in different situations. IObit Malware Fighter offers 3 modes of scan: Full Scan Mode to fully scan all hard disks, Smart Scan Mode to quickly scan the critical sections of system, and Custom Scan Mode to specifically scan selected files or folders.

Auto Scan

Regularly scanning computer with antivirus engine can reduce and prevent suspicious threats on the computer. Users can schedule Auto Scan to detecting the computer automatically. Once a threat is detected, IObit Malware Fighter will offer a quick solution to remove it. Besides, users can also set to scan the computer when the system is idle or turn the Auto Scan off at any time.
Make PC Security Scan More Personalized for Different Needs with IObit Malware Fighter!
Télécharger Gratuitement
V 11.3.0 | 54.7 MB
Système d'exploitation: Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP

Découvrez toutes les fonctionnalités des produits IObit

Game Ready Driver Updater >
System Security Protection >
Customized Security Scan >
Internet Speed Booster >

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