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Soluciones de Salud de PC
Solución todo en 1 para la salud del PC: limpiar, optimizar y proteger
Limpieza, optimización y protección integral de PC
Mantén los controladores actualizados
Rendimiento más estable con menos fallas del sistema
Protege millones de ordenadores contra Malware
Protección completa con máxima seguridad
Protección contra virus y mejora del rendimiento del PC
Elimina fácilmente programas y sobras
no deseados
Mantiene tu software actualizado de manera automática
No te preocupas por el robo de tus datos o fugas de privacidad
Maximiza la optimización del disco duro
para un PC más rápido
Disfruta de una Mac más rápida y segura
March 22, 2010 – IObit today announces the release of Advanced Uninstaller, a free lightweight software uninstall utility designed for uninstalling unwanted applications and removing stubborn files and folders installed on your computer.
"Most of users are suffering from slow computers, but they rarely know this is most likely caused by more and more applications over time," says Tim, IObit's CTO, "What's worse, the left over files of incompletely uninstalled programs often leads to critical system errors and system crash. Advanced Uninstaller can solve these headaches without any cost, while Windows built-in Add/Remove Programs function sucks."
About Advanced Uninstaller: Advanced Uninstaller works on Windows 7/ Vista/ XP/ 2000 (32bit or 64bit), multi-language supported. For more information, please visit the product homepage: http://www.iobit.com/advanceduninstaller.php
About IObit
IObit (http://www.iobit.com) is an innovative and young company founded in 2004 by two young programmers. With the release and popularity of Advanced WindowsCare v1 in 2005, IObit has become one of the most successful new companies in the Internet. IObit is also a provider of award-winning software products designed to deliver superior performance, protection and security to PC users.
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