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Update Drivers from Large Online Database

Devices need correct drivers to work properly. Driver Booster supports 1,000,000+ driver updates from its online database, which enables users to update any kind of drivers including video/audio devices, graphics cards, motherboards, keyboards, mice, etc. Besides, it can also update Nvidia graphics driver to protect against Spectre-Meltdown CPU attacks.

HTTPS Connection and WHQL Drivers Only for Secure

A bad driver may crash your computer. To bring users safe and qualified drivers, Driver Booster only includes drivers that pass Microsoft’s rigorous WHQL test. Besides, the downloading process is HTTPS secured. In addition, driver details like the versions, the date of release, sizes are also offered in the program for double checking the driver safety.

Update Drivers Automatically to Save Your Time

Driver Booster gets you rid of extra work like online searching, downloading and installing various drivers for your devices. Built with ease-of-use in mind, Driver Booster can automatically scan your computer for outdated/missing/mismatched drivers, download and install right drivers in a single click. What’s more, Driver Booster supports batch update and updates without disturbance to save you time and effort.
Scan and update drivers with Driver Booster. It’s only one click away
Kostenlos downloaden
V 12.2.0 | 30.2 MB
Unterstützt Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP

Alle Funktionen von IObit-Produkten ansehen

Anti-Ransomware Protection >
Game Ready Driver Updater >
One-Stop Solution to Stubborn Programs Uninstall >
Deep Optimization >

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